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Claudia's curls are chopped for charity

16 July 2021 chsw Fundraising

Nine year old Claudia, from Derriford in Plymouth, has had more than 12 inches of her hair cut in support of not one but two special charities.

Claudia had been growing her hair for years and decided that if she was going to have it cut she wanted to donate the hair to Little Princess Trust. The charity provides free, real hair wigs to children and young people, up to the age of 24, who have lost hair through cancer treatment or other conditions.

150 miles cycled, £2400 raised - all in a days work

06 July 2021 chsw Fundraising

Two friends recently took on a mammoth cycling challenge riding from Bristol to St Austell in just one day all in the name of raising vital funds for Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW).

Richard Jones from Perranporth and friend Matt Proom from Bristol set themselves the challenge of cycling the 150 miles from Bristol Children’s Hospital to Little Harbour children’s hospice in St Austell to raise funds for CHSW in memory of Joel Erents who died aged 10 and was supported by Little Harbour.

Footballers turn to golf to raise charity funds

05 July 2021 chsw Fundraising

Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) was delighted to receive a cheque for £685 from Clevedon United Junior FC’s recent fundraising event.

The football club held its first ever golf day last month at Mendip Spring Golf Club. Two teams of twelve, representing parents and coaches, battled it out for a claret jug trophy, kindly donated by Brunel Engraving Company.

In glorious conditions, the coaches team came out on top to be the inaugural champions.

Enjoy a cream tea in aid of your local children’s hospice

05 July 2021 chsw Fundraising

People across the peninsula are being invited to tuck into a cream tea and raise a few pounds for their local children’s hospice.

The Big South West Cream Tea takes place over the August Bank Holiday weekend and organiser Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) is asking supporters to join in by holding their own cream tea fundraiser with friends and family.