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How we support families

At Children's Hospice South West (CHSW) we are absolutely committed to making the most of short and precious lives. The care offered at each of our hospices is not only about end of life care, or even simply about medical and nursing care for sick children, it's about about enriching the lives of children and their families. 

I thought the hospice was going to be all end of life care, but it is also about getting to know the family and supporting on their journey, long or short, and having the time to do that. As a nurse there are not many jobs where you are able to spend quality time with a family. It is a real privilege.

We offer care, support and practical help while working in partnership with families, following as closely as possible the care children receive at home so each family feels they are in control. We aim to be flexible in the support we offer, allowing each family to choose how we can help and whether we become fully or partially involved with their child’s care.

At a time when we felt completely alone and scared the hospice helped us through some of our darkest times - providing support, comfort and reassurance. 

What does 'family support' look like?

family music therapy session

We aim to help each family to wind down in the way that suits them. Some families take advantage of meals being prepared for them and telephones being answered so they can spend more time with their sick child, take well brothers and sisters out, enjoy leisure activities or just catch up on sleep! Others, once their child has got to know and trust us, may leave their child in our care while they take a break elsewhere.

Families talk about the 'treasure chest' of precious memories they build to carry into the future... a future which will, sadly, be without their much loved child or children.