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Tayen's story

Despite her condition, Tayen has a zest for life and enjoys...

Tayen's condition is incurable and causes tumours to grow on nerves anywhere in her body. She has complex epilepsy, hydrocephalus and is fully blind. Tayen has...
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Ellen's story

Ellen's dad, Jon, decided he'd take part in a cycling...

Jon lives in Chippenham, Wiltshire with his wife Nicki and their three children. Last year Jon decided to take part in a 3-day cycling challenge, Ride for...
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Tillie’s story

Tillie’s mum Jenny tells us about the support her family...

Tillie was born with Severe Extreme Hydrocephalus and received care at Children’s Hospice South West’s Little Bridge House during 2006 and 2007. The condition...
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Ethan's story

Ethan from Bristol has been coming to Charlton Farm for...

In August 2003, aged 2, Ethan suffered with uncontrollable seizures and spent six weeks in hospital undergoing a variety of tests. He was eventually diagnosed...
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Sam's story

Sam, 14, has been visiting Little Bridge House with his mum...

For Bideford parents Jo and Jon, driving to a children’s hospice for the first time in 2008 was an understandably daunting experience. The couple and their five...
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Arthur's Story

Charlton Farm came into Arthur's family's lives just as they...

Before Arthur was born, I had been sick throughout the whole pregnancy and couldn’t wait for him to be born so that everything could get back to normal. We had...
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