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Weston-super-Mare mother: ‘Charlton Farm gave me some memories to last a lifetime’

21 February 2017 chsw Volunteer, Fundraising

A children’s hospice is celebrating its 10-year anniversary this year and a Weston woman says she is ‘eternally grateful’ for the care she and her newborn son received.

Charlton Farm, in Wraxall, opened its doors in 2007 and provides a host of different services as part of Children’s Hospice South West, which provides care for life-limited children and their families.

But Charlton Farm specifically offers medical care 365 days a year as well as support for families.

At the moment it supports 204 life-limited children, and 152 bereaved families.

Clare Toller spent time at the hospice with newborn son Grayson after he was diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. This is a birth defect that affects normal blood flow through the heart.

She said:

“While I was in hospital I longed to just do the simple things with Grayson. Within minutes of arriving I was able to have my very first cuddle with him and hold him close to me like a normal baby; he finally felt like he was mine. “Because of Charlton Farm we all have some fantastic memories that will last a lifetime and for that I am eternally grateful.”

How you can help raise funds for Charlton Farm and the Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW)

  1. Book a seat or table at CHSW’s Glitter Ball at Ashton Gate Stadium on October 7.
  2. Skydive on September 10 with 10 others.
  3. Come on a tour of Charlton Farm. Bookings being taking for people to look around the hospice each month.
  4. Take part in the brand new Bubble Rush in Keynsham on September 7.
  5. Nominate your boss to take part in Bristol’s first Jail And Bail fundraiser.
  6. Sign up for the Great Bristol 10K and run for CHSW.
  7. Volunteer 10 hours of your time– there are a range of opportunities available to help CHSW from shops to events.
  8. Give a one-off £10 donation during the 10th Birthday.
  9. Donate 10 items to a CHSW shop or give 10 per cent of the sale of your eBay items.
  10. Take part in non-school uniform day on April 26 – Charlton Farm’s official birthday.

Source:  Weston Mercury