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Bristol Santas on Bikes raise £20K for CHSW

20 December 2021 chsw Fundraising

Did you witness hundreds of Santas on a Bikes driving through Bristol on Saturday 4 December, spreading much festive cheer?

The huge turn-out was in support of the city’s only dedicated children’s hospice facility, Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) and has so-far raised more than £20,000 for the charity which cares for children with life limiting conditions and their families. 

Santas on a Bike has supported CHSW for over 15 years. Last year, due to the pandemic, they held the event virtually but were determined to make this year’s event spectacular. 

The reception we got in the city was amazing with thousands of smiling faces lining the streets to watch us ride past and raise a record-breaking total for CHSW

Starting at Winterbourne Academy where they were they were given a warm welcome by the students, 800 bikes made their way through Bristol in all their festive glory, en route to CHSW’s Charlton Farm hospice in Wraxall. Due to the safety and protection of vulnerable children and their families, the bikers didn’t stop at the children’s hospice, instead they finished at The Downs Preparatory School, which had kindly stepped in and allowed the ride to finish in the school’s grounds. 50 bikes were able to take part in a drive-by through the grounds of Charlton Farm much to delight of families and staff.


Oli Allen, who organises the Bristol event, said: “It was great to be back riding in Bristol for 2021, the reception we got in the city was amazing with thousands of smiling faces lining the streets to watch us ride past and raise a record-breaking total for CHSW. We're looking forward to doing it again in 2022 and are already talking about how we can make it bigger and better.” 

Donations are still being given in support of this spectacular event. To contribute visit: