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Bristol man to run 105km in a day

10 August 2021 chsw Fundraising

Luke Trimmings, 29, from Bristol is running from Minehead to Bristol in support of local charity, Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW).

The route is a staggering 105 kilometers (65.24 miles) and Luke is aiming to complete his challenge on 9th October before he turns 30 in November.  

Luke started taking his running to new lengths during the pandemic as it supported his wellbeing and mental health. He said: “I’ve run 60km to date in one hit. I’ll be having people pacing me for some sections of the run and I’m planning for it to be done in 12-14hrs.”

Luke works for Bristol-based development and technical delivery specialists, Appeal Digital, and was introduced to CHSW through his business connections.

Luke said: “I wanted to do something that will be a significant mental and physical challenge, while also trying to raise some cash for a worthy cause. I came to be aware of the work that Children's Hospice South West do through a local networking group. After further research, I was touched by the work they do and wanted to link my stupid idea of running 100+km in with trying to do some good at the same time.”

I was touched by the work CHSW do and wanted to link my stupid idea of running 100+km in with trying to do some good at the same time

CHSW’s local hospice, Charlton Farm just outside of Bristol, provides Covid-safe day and overnight stays for families who children have been diagnosed with life-limiting conditions. Its care team also supports families in their own homes, as well as providing virtual contact during the pandemic.

You can show your support for Luke and help him reach his £1,000 target by donating to his fundraising page