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Family walking together throughout March for hospice close to their hearts

16 March 2021 chsw Fundraising

AnnaLaura Smith-Gilpin, her partner and sons are almost halfway through their challenge of walking 201km in March, raising money for Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW). 


The walk will be a huge challenge for Annalaura’s son Nicholas, age 6 as he has a variety of conditions, including hypoplastic left heart syndrome, which means his life-expectancy is short and every day is a challenge. 

The family receives support from CHSW’s Charlton Farm in Wraxall and has done for around four years. Due to the pandemic, they have been unable to visit the hospice, although the care team have been keeping in touch with phone calls and door-step visits. 

Annalaura, said: “Charities are really struggling right now, and I want to give back to Charlton Farm as they have done so much me and Nicholas and his brother, Thomas. Without Children’s Hospice South West and the care team from Charlton Farm, I do not know what we would do or how we would cope.”

Without Children’s Hospice South West and the care team from Charlton Farm, I do not know what we would do or how we would cope

The family will be walking around their local area of Weston-super-Mare. If you would like to show your support, please donate to their fundraising page