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Singing in support of CHSW

18 July 2019 chsw Fundraising

The Cantanti Singers and Wind Band, based in Stoke Bishop Bristol, held a concert last month in support of local charity, Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW). The Choir decided to raise funds for CHSW after visiting its Bristol hospice, Charlton Farm.

The next concert is due to take place on the evening of Saturday October 12 at Westbury Baptist Church

Gareth Dodds, Manager of the Singers, said “We were so impressed when we saw the facilities and how CHSW supports the families. We are delighted to support the charity with our concerts this year.”

The last concert in June raised almost £500. The next concert is due to take place on the evening of Saturday October 12 at Westbury Baptist Church. Admission is free but there will be a collection for CHSW.

Frances Kenneally, Community Fundraiser at Charlton Farm said “Thank you to Gareth and his choir for their tremendous support in organising not one, but two concerts in aid of CHSW. Their support is very much appreciated.”

Charlton Farm opens its doors once a month and offers guided tours showing people exactly why their support is so important. Visits are by appointment only and all information can be found here.