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StarTrekers brave the elements to tackle annual Exmoor orienteering challenge

07 March 2019 chsw Fundraising

More than 200 walkers navigated their way across Exmoor in the 27th annual Rotary StarTrek Challenge on Saturday night.

A total of 46 teams, made up of 240 walkers, took part in this year’s event, organised by the two Ilfracombe Rotary clubs in aid of Children’s Hospice South West and North Devon Hospice and many other local charities and good causes.

Paul Williams, chairman of the organising committee, said: “Despite the atrocious weather conditions on Saturday night, they all persevered and pushed on with the challenge.

“Every one of the participants deserves well-earned praise for taking part.

“An early estimate of the sponsorship raised this year shows it to be approximately £25,000. This will be distributed between the charities and good causes already mentioned.”

StarTrek is an eight or 16-mile trek across Exmoor, where teams of four-to-six people use clues and map reading skills to navigate a predetermined route across the moor at a different location each year.

The event is supported by search and rescue crews, St John Ambulance, Raynet Communications (Taunton) and around 100 volunteers who man checkpoints, provide hot drinks and food, check equipment and organise all aspects.

Paul added: “We would like to thank everyone who participated and participates in this event and the 100-plus volunteers who turn out and help run the event. Without you this would not take place so thank you all.”

Teams check in for the 27th annual Rotary StarTrek Challenge on Exmoor

Teams check in for the 27th annual Rotary StarTrek Challenge on Exmoor