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Builders merchant branches go head-to-head in £50 challenge

13 February 2019 chsw Fundraising

RGB Building Supplies’ Barnstaple branch came out on top of a company-wide fundraising event in aid of Children’s Hospice South West.

All 20 branches went head-to-head to see which could raise the most amount of money as part of the charity's £50 Challenge, raising a fantastic £2,568 in total.

But the Barnstaple team topped the leaderboard by raising £538 of the overall total, holding a breakfast morning and power tool raffle, and asking customers to make a donation to guess how many people they could fit into a small RGB van. 

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Lee Kift, branch manager at RGB Barnstaple, said: “The £50 Challenge is a fantastic idea and we’re delighted to be the RGB branch that raised the most, but well done to every branch for helping to generate a fantastic total to pass on to the hospice. A huge thank you to everyone that supported the event and made a donation.”

RGB’s Barnstaple-based head office team came third in the challenge raising £214 and its Holsworthy and Bideford branches were also top fundraisers by contributing £208 and £204 respectively to the total.

CHSW corporate partnerships fundraiser Mhairi Bass-Carruthers said: “Huge thanks to everyone at RGB for taking on our £50 Challenge with such enthusiasm and creativity – it’s been fantastic to see the different fundraising ideas across the 20 branches.

RGB is the first company to take on our £50 Challenge in 2019 and they have definitely set the standard – if there are any more companies who’d like a shot at knocking them off the top of this year’s leader board, please get in touch.

“The £50 Challenge is open to all businesses and is a great way for staff to put their entrepreneurial skills to the test and promote some healthy work-based competition. And of course, it’s a brilliant way for businesses to support and contribute to the work that CHSW does to help families of children with life-limiting conditions across the South West.”

For more information about the £50 Challenge or to take part, email or call 07837 520295.