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Volunteers from Weston-Super-Mare needed - can you help?

21 February 2017 chsw Volunteer, Fundraising

A North Somerset charity is calling for more volunteers from Weston – and its current members say it is both ‘challenging and rewarding’.

The Weston Friends Group formed back in 2003 to raise money for Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW), which has a base in Wraxall.

The group in Weston has done a lot of work for the Charlton Farm hospice, which not only provides end-of-life care for sick children, but also supports their families during their stay.

The Mercury has previously reported how the charity’s base has just turned 10 years old and members of the Weston Friends Group are proud of the much-needed funds they have helped raise so far.

Judy Hodgson, the group’s treasurer, said, “I read an article which mentioned the building of the children’s hospice in Wraxall and I decided I would like to help fundraise for it.

“Knowing we help towards the financial running of Charlton Farm and the families is very rewarding.”

There are 15 members in the group but more people are needed to help them achieve their ambitious goals.

Weston’s community fundraiser, Kylie Gallagher, told the Mercury new members would help provide fresh ideas as part of Charlton Farm’s 10-year celebration.

She said: “The Weston group has been established for such a long time and are a very busy and active group.

“This means any new members would be welcomed, as the majority of members have been there far longer than my five years at CHSW.

“New members would mean they could help at the events, increase the number of events and most importantly raise awareness.”

If you are interested in joining the Weston Friends Group, contact Ruth Chappell on for more information.

Source:  The Weston Mercury