Swapping scrubs for a running vest- The children's carer running for her hospice
A children’s carer is running the London Marathon this weekend raising vital funds and awareness for Little Harbour children’s hospice, where she works in St Austell, Cornwall.
Suzanne Brown from Bodmin, is swapping scrubs for a running vest and taking to the streets of London on Sunday 21 April for the infamous marathon, to raise vital funds for the charity that is very close to her heart.

“Back in July, the furthest I had ever run was to the kitchen for a piece of cake”, Suzanne said.
“I had never wanted to keep fit in my life, or ran in my life, ever.
Every year I watch the London Marathon on TV, and thought, I’d love to do that one day, just as a jest.
Suzanne applied through the marathon ballot, and to her surprise got a place first time.
It was quite a shock Suzanne explained: “I checked my emails and nothing had come through so I thought I’d got away with it, then I checked my junk and it was there, I could’ve fallen through the floor.”
The 55 year old swiftly made an appointment at Snap Fitness in Bodmin, and despite not knowing how to use the equipment, she was reassured by staff and got herself a personal trainer. After losing 2 stone in weight and training hard, she is feeling confident, and marathon ready.
She ran 22 miles along the Camel Trail, from Bodmin to Padstow and back, in 5 hours and 13 minutes, which is a major achievement for Suzanne.
Suzanne said: “I’m quite chuffed. I didn’t run the whole way, I walked at least a third of it. But now I know that, even if I have to walk, I can do it.
“A local company have printed my name on my running vest, which was lovely of them to do that.”
"I want to raise every penny possible for the charity. I set myself a target of £1,500, but I have now smashed that. I’m now at just under £2,000, and it’ll all be going to Little Harbour."
Suzanne is feeling a bit apprehensive about travelling to ‘The Big Smoke’ for her adventure, but is excited for the challenge awaiting her.
I’m a Cornish Girl, I don’t even go to Plymouth. The running, I’ve got that. It’s just London.
Suzanne is just one of many who will be sporting green vests in support of CHSW on Sunday, and not only completing something truly remarkable and once in a lifetime, but also raising vital funds for children and young people, and their families, who use the charities 3 hospices; Little Bridge House, Charlton Farm and Little Harbour.