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Play pirate ship brings joy to Little Harbour's garden

13 September 2024 CHSW

Little Harbour is the proud owner of a new pirate ship in its garden.

The family enjoying the boat

The ship is wheelchair accessible, and is a wonderful new play asset to the hospice’s sea themed, interactive garden.

But the boat isn’t just something for the families who visit the hospice to enjoy, the boat is in memory of Seth Dickenson, who died of a brain tumour in May 2021, aged 7. 

Seth’s family have been coming to Little Harbour since 2020, and the place is a home from home to them. They still make regular visits to remember Seth.

Sam, Seth’s mother, said: “We’ve always loved being outside, we are a very outdoorsy family, and during our visits with Seth we’d spend most of our time in the garden.

The kids would race around on the bikes, the garden has always been quite a special part of Little Harbour to us.

Seth had a great love for pirates. Seth’s grandparents left money to him in their Will, which the family weren’t completely sure what to do with, and it was decided to donate the money to Little Harbour. 

Seth and his family

A band JollyRoger from Penzance have also been big supporters of the family, and played at a party in memory of Seth free of charge. With the generosity of the band, combined with the money from Seth’s grandparents, the pirate ship is now a permanent reminder of the little boy who loved pirates in Little Harbour’s garden.

Sam said: “I just really like the idea of open-ended play, and the ship can be used however it is wanted. It is accessible for wheelchairs, and will create lots of imaginative play. Families can use it all together as siblings can fit on there too.”

The boat will bring endless joy to the children, young people and families who use the hospice, come rain or shine.