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Dip a Day for Childhood Cancer Month

13 September 2024 CHSW

A couple from St Austell are taking on a Dip a Day challenge this September in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Sam and James Dickenson are taking to the chilly seas in their eye-catching yellow swimsuits everyday for 30 days.

Sam's gear

Not only are the couple raising awareness for Childhood Cancer, they’re also supporting Children Hospice South West’s Little Harbour hospice, which is situated in Porthpean, right near the beach the couple swim at.

Sam swimming

The hospice means a lot to the family, as it supported them all throughout their youngest son Seth’s battle with cancer. Seth died in May 2021 aged 7, a great lover of pirates and the beach. The family still receive support from Little Harbour today.

Sam said: “I have historically been an absolute hater of the cold, I started swimming this winter and all my friends were like… you? Really?

“It’s completely out of my comfort zone, but I’ve been doing it alongside James, and our boys have even joined us a few times.”

The plan is to do it for 30 days, however I have figured out that 100 days would land around Seth’s birthday, so we may carry it on!

Visit their JustGiving page.