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Dad walks for precious lives

15 September 2017 chsw Fundraising

Kevin Bresnan from Midsomer Norton took on a challenge to walk 50 miles non-stop from Weymouth to Wells. Kevin was inspired to raise funds for Children’s Hospice South West’s Charlton Farm as it provides respite stays for him and his son Caleb who has a life-limiting condition called Alagille Syndrome.

The whole family is able to come at stay at Charlton Farm, not just Caleb, for short breaks throughout the year. Kevin wanted to set himself a challenge to raise funds for the hospice as a way of saying thank you for the support he and his family receives.

Kevin said, ‘I got the train to Weymouth where I started the long walk back home. It was a warm evening, which was nice, and I set off at a good pace. It wasn't long before I started the long climb out of Weymouth which warmed me up nicely!

‘Then onto the long 18 mile stretch of nothing but fields and darkness. At the start of this stage I had already blistered my foot, which wasn't on the plan. This made walking quite uncomfortable but I had to just shut it out and carry on.

‘My next goal was to get to Sherborne by early morning. I arrived there in good time around 5am in a lot of pain from that blister. I stopped for a change of footwear ready to carry on again. On setting off again the pain in my legs and feet were getting unbearable but I was determined to carry on. So off I set and down came the rain!

‘It rained hard and it rained consistently. Before long I was wet through and very tired. 

Kevin and Caleb

I continued for a few more hours not covering much mileage as the pain was slowing me down. 

At one stage I nearly passed out because of the pain and I could feel my body shutting down. I stopped in a small village about 15 miles from home to rest but couldn't move from that spot. My legs were seizing up and I was shivering from the cold and wet. 

‘I decided to stop as I could see myself ending up in hospital so I called for a pickup.

To say I was disappointed not to complete the full course being so close to home and walked so far would be an understatement, but I had to think of my health.’ 

Emily Mitchard, Community Fundraiser at CHSW, said ‘We have nothing but admiration for Kevin and the challenge he set himself. He really has put himself through such a lot physically and emotionally. We like to thank him for his efforts and his superb fundraising, which has far exceeded his original target.’

Charlton Farm is the only dedicated children’s hospice for families in BANES and provides a secluded and beautiful setting in which families can take some time out and just enjoying spending time together. A place where everyone can begin to forget their worries for a while, be a family again, and find expert help and support in facing an uncertain future.