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Chloe's Cut Rasies Over £1100 for CHSW

23 August 2019 chsw Fundraising

Six-year-old Chloe Light, who is a pupil at Widey Court Primary School in Crownhill Plymouth, has recently had 14 inches cut off her hair. Not only is she donating the hair to Little Princess Trust she has also raised over £1100 for Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW).

Chloe Light before her sponsored hair cut

Chloe came up with the idea of having her hair cut for charity after the death of her cousin’s nine-month old daughter; Freya Rose Smith, who died at CHSW’s Little Harbour hospice in St Austell on 21st June 2019. After this sad news Chloe decided she wanted to do something to help children but also help the charity that had supported her family through such a difficult time.

Chloe braved the big cut in August at Retro Chic in Plymouth by hair stylist Di. Chloe’s mum Kay is bursting with pride for Chloe and the amazing amount she has raised;

"I am unbelievably proud of Chloe for not only coming up with the idea, all by herself, but for also raising so much money for a charity so close to our family's heart. We've been completely overwhelmed by all the support she has received. I honestly thought it would be a struggle to raise £100 but to raise over £1100 is incredible. We've even received donations from Germany and Australia."

I've been to Little Harbour and cannot praise the staff enough and the facilities there are brilliant. We would like to thank everyone who has sponsored Chloe.

Zoe Partridge, Community Fundraiser for CHSW went along to Retro Chic to support Chloe on the day of the big cut; “What an amazing young lady Chloe is, to do such a selfless thing and support two charities while doing so is amazing. It is always lovely when children decide to fundraise for CHSW as they know it is going to directly help other children from their local area that we support. Well done Chloe and thank you to everyone who donated.” 

Chloe wearing her CHSW t shirt and new hair do with pride

CHSW has to raise over £3million a year to run its Little Harbour hospice which offers children and families short breaks and respite as well as end of life care and bereavement support. The hospice supports children who have life limiting or life-threatening illnesses who sadly will not live into adulthood and offer their support to the whole family from diagnosis through to bereavement and beyond.

To find out how you can get involved with fundraising click here or call Little Harbour's Fundraising Team on 01726 871800