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A Celebration of Life through Music at Bath Abbey

17 May 2019 chsw Events

On the evening of Wednesday 15 May, local charity Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) held a celebratory event at Bath Abbey.

Supported by the Abbey and The Joyce Fletcher Charitable Trust, the event sought to raise awareness of and insight into the care and support provided by CHSW’s Charlton Farm, located just 20 miles from Bath.

A VIP reception was held before the event courtesy of St John’s Foundation at its function room, The Bubble, and sponsorship from the Charter Trustees of the City of Bath. This was attended by civic dignitaries, families supported by CHSW and long-term supporters of the charity.

Deputy Lord-Lieutenant of Somerset, Edward Bayntun-Coward who was a guest of CHSW, said “The concert was a celebration of the life of children. It starred children and young adults, and they inspired and delighted the large audience. All present now know of the extraordinary opportunities and services offered by the Children's Hospice South West and Charlton Farm in particular. They deserve praise and support.”  

The Melody Makers - Bath Abbey’s choir for its youngest voices - kicked off proceedings and received a rousing ovation. Past Melody Makers also displayed astonishing vocal and musical skills which delighted the invited audience. Musicians of Prior Park College stunned the congregation with its tuneful talents.

Television’s Jamie Breese hosted the event which saw guest speakers including CHSW CEO and co-Founder, Eddie Farwell, Music Therapist Paul Morgans Evans and bereaved mum, Clare Toller speak passionately about the work of CHSW.

Clare’s baby son Grayson died at Charlton Farm. She said, “We were nervous first visiting the hospice but when we got there, almost as soon as we walked through the doors, I knew it was the place we needed to be. A place we could be as a family. Whilst there we had the support of the sibling team to help our other son who was 4, understand what was happening to his baby brother. All the staff were there with us every single step of the way. We made such wonderful precious memories as a family at Charlton Farm. I know we would never have had that opportunity anywhere else.”


The audience were given a poignant insight in to the work of CHSW, which provides respite, palliative and end-of-life care to families from Bath and the surrounding area.

Major Gifts, Trusts and Grants Fundraiser, Ann Juby, said “The support received from the city of Bath has been remarkable and we wanted to give thanks to our guests for sustaining the work we do at Charlton Farm.”

By way of thanks, members of the invited party including Shean Bowers, Jamie Breese, Andrew Fletcher, David Hobdey and The Mayor of Bath were presented with artwork made by the children who stay for respite at Charlton Farm.