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Bristol business signs up to help children’s hospice

01 February 2022 chsw Fundraising

Vaultex, a provider of end-to-end cash management solutions and seamless cash services, has recently become a member of the Children’s Hospice South West Business Club

The Business Club was set up as an opportunity for local businesses to build connections and share knowledge whilst supporting the vital work of Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW). 

CHSW has three hospices across the South West: Charlton Farm near Bristol, Little Bridge House in Devon, and Little Harbour in Cornwall. It has 300 memberships available to join in 2022 - that’s 100 companies for each of its hospices. With the membership at £300 per business, CHSW hopes to raise £90,000 from the initiative. 


Lucy Jackson, a Higher-Level Apprentice based at Vaultex in Bristol first became aware of the charity at the tender age of 8.

Lucy said: “My Brownie Group was given a tour of Charlton Farm and we learnt about some of the amazing support that is provided to children there. At this young age I didn’t quite understand the full picture of what a hospice was, but I remember it being so bright and colourful; myself and the other Brownies loved our visit. As time has gone on I have always kept up to date with the hospice and donated to the cause where I could. When I found out about the CHSW Business Club I was really excited about the opportunity to be in partnership with them.”

Membership to the Club not only provides the opportunity to raise your business profile at exclusive virtual and in-person networking events, it can also impact positively on staff morale and contribute to meeting CSR objectives.

Lucy said: “At Vaultex we have a duty to act responsibly and we have a strong CSR strategy that focuses on five areas, enterprise, environment, employability, engagement and ethics. We are focused on supporting our local communities and making sure as a company we go above and beyond to do the right thing.” 

As Lucy points out, supporting charities does not always mean making donations; businesses can help by raising awareness too.

When I found out about the CHSW Business Club I was really excited about the opportunity to be in partnership with them

“Personally, I am very excited to take advantage of the volunteering days Vaultex encourage their staff to take. This will allow for volunteering to take place to support the hospice in a beneficial way, ranging from gardening at the hospice or helping with a fundraising day. After also attending one of the networking events at the end of last year, I’m looking forward to working alongside other companies to support so many local children and their families.

“I think Children Hospice South West is an amazing charity, it is extremely sad knowing the circumstances why these children and families need the support and care from the hospice but that is also what makes the contribution that we can make together so rewarding.”

For more information about the Business Club or to join Click Here