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Moonlight Memory Walk Cornwall 2024

5:00pm - 9:00pm
Lost Gardens of Heligan, St Austell
Memory walk
Event organiser:
Sponsorship target:

Moonlight Memory Walk Cornwall 2024

Kindly sponsored by

Gold partner
CHX logo
The Lost Gardens of Heligan logo
Memory station sponsor
CTC medical logo

Join us at the Lost Gardens of Heligan for a special evening to remember your loved one.  

We invite you to walk in the calm and beauty of Heligan’s lit paths for an uplifting evening while supporting local families with every step.  

Moonlight Memory Walk is a special evening to remember your loved one.  The evening starts with a beautiful memory ceremony followed by a 4k walk in the lit paths of Heligan, with special points along the way to pause and remember by completing an activity in your loved one's memory. 

We ask each person who takes part to pledge to raise £50 in memory of the person they are walking for. 

Due to the sensitive nature of this event, registration is open to any person aged 12 years or over. Unfortunately, due to limited space at the venue, only participants will be permitted entry on the evening and NO dogs are permitted to attend this year. 

There are just 400 places available to be a part of this uplifting event.

Join our Moonlight Memory Walk Cornwall Facebook event to keep up to date with all the latest event news and updates.

Sign up today and get 20% off

  • 20% off
    • On sale until midday on Monday 2 September
    • Adult (18+) £14.40, Child (12-17 years) £14.40
  • 10% off
    • On sale until midday on Friday 1 November
    • Adult (18+) £16.20, Child (12-17 years) £16.20
  • Full price
    • On sale until midday on Thursday 7 November
    • Adult (18+) £18, Child (12-17 years) £18

What's included

  • Welcome pack with candle bag and “I am walking in memory of" back sign
  • Moonlight Memory Walk T-shirt
  • Moonlight Memory Walk medal 
  • Warm pasty and goody bag  
  • Entry into Heligan for the evening 

Sign up


Walk and fundraise in memory of your loved one

We ask each person who takes part in this event to pledge to raise £50 towards the £30,000 we hope Moonlight Memory walk Cornwall will raise. By taking part in Moonlight Memory Walk and fundraising in memory of your loved one, you’ll be raising vital funds for families like Oliver’s: 

After Oliver received end of life care at Little Harbour in 2019, his parents and brother Benjamin received bereavement support. 

At a time when you don’t know where to look or where to turn or how on earth you are going to get through this horrendous time in your life, they’re there, they hold your hand, they wrap their arms around you and they just take you through it.

Mike, Oliver's Dad

  • £50 could contribute towards a supported hydrotherapy session helping to relax sore and tired bodies and muscles 
  • £70 could pay for an hour of care for a family at one of our 3 hospices 
  • £120 could pay for a day of specialised sibling support for a bereaved brother or sister 

Set up your JustGiving

It’s the easiest way to get sponsored. Let everyone know why you’re taking part and update your page with photos and videos. Share your page on social media, WhatsApp and by email so your family and friends can sponsor you. 

When you sign up, you’ll receive a welcome pack that has everything you need to know about fundraising, “walking in memory of bib,” a candle bag to decorate and walker number. Our Fundraising Team will also give you a call and be on hand to help with ideas to boost your fundraising. 

Fundraising Prize Draw

 Our free entry prize draw is open to any participant who individually raises over £100. Participants who have raised over £100 on their JustGiving page or sent in their offline sponsorship by Monday 9 December will be automatically entered into the draw. 

Woman holding sign

We're here to help

Join Team Moonlight and we'll be with you every step of the way! For more information call Kiley or send us a message.

Call Kiley on 01726 871 800
Ask a question

Leave a dedication for a loved one 

A special added feature of Moonlight Memory Walk Cornwall is our dedication page where you can add your loved one's name, photo and a personal message. 

You're welcome to set up more than one dedication for different loved ones and their names will appear on this dedication page for you, your friends and family members to visit, and there is the added option to make a donation in their memory when you set this up. 

Add your dedicationSee last year's dedications

Your loved one's names will also be a part of our memory ceremony on the evening of Saturday 9 November. If you don't want your dedication to appear as part of the ceremony, please email Kiley to ask for their names to be omitted.  

Dedications added after Wednesday 6 November cannot be included in the memory ceremony. 

Although the memory ceremony will not be broadcast live this year on the CHSW Facebook, non-participants are also welcome to leave a dedication and donation on this page which will be included in the memory ceremony taking place at the Moonlight Memory Walk Cornwall event. However, only event participants are permitted to attend the memory ceremony.

On the evening

  • 5:00pm Event village opens 

  • 5:00pm – 6:15pm Participant arrivals, registration and t-shirt collection

  • 6:30pm – 6:50pm Memory ceremony 

  • 6:50pm – Safety briefing and warm up 

  • 7:00pm- 7:15pm The walk will be set off in staggered groups 

  • 9:00pm Event ends 


The Lost Gardens of Heligan, Pentewan, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 6EN 

The evening begins at 5:00pm where you will be able to collect your Moonlight Memory Walk t-shirt  

Join us at The Lost Gardens of Heligan from 5:00pm where you will sign in and collect your Moonlight Memory Walk T-shirt which you can wear with pride as you reflect and remember the memories of your loved ones.  Registration is followed by a beautiful memory ceremony from 6:30pm – 6:50pm where we will join together in remembrance. During the ceremony, we will join together to light candles and listen to a special song dedicated to your loved ones, there will be readings and poems, all to celebrate the lives of those no longer with us, ending with 1 minute of applause followed by a one-minute silence, while your loved one’s names appear on a big screen. To add your loved one’s name, please leave a dedication here.

Leave a dedication

After a short safety briefing, we will begin the 4K Moonlight Memory Walk through Heligan's peaceful, lit gardens where there will be 4 special spaces to pause and mark your loved one’s memory including placing a candle inside your decorated candle bag.

Please note that only those registered for the event will be able to gain access into the event village on the night by showing your walker number. Please note, dogs are not permitted to attend this year due to limited space at the venue. 

Don’t forget to bring with you a torch or headtorch, a bottle of water, comfortable shoes, a warm coat and don’t forget your fancy dress if you feel like dressing up! 

In the event village, there will be live music, face painting, and merchandise and food available to purchase. 

When you arrive back in the event village, the CHSW Moonlight Team will have a pasty and goody bag ready for you.  

Please be aware that because of the time of year and the unpredictability of the British weather, the format of the event may need to change. Please RSVP to our Moonlight Memory Walk Cornwall Facebook event to see all the latest updates. 

All your questions answered!

Check out our extensive FAQs for everything you need to know about the Moonlight Memory Walk.

Read Moonlight FAQs


Important information

Terms and Conditions and Participant Safety Brief