Stewart Davidson
Board of Trustees
Stewart moved from his native Scotland and began his professional career at the Royal Air Force No.1 Radio School of Electronics, RAF Locking, near Weston-super-Mare where he studied Electronic Engineering, specialising in radars and telecommunications.
On leaving the Royal Air Force, after ten years, he joined and spent one year at Motorola as a cellular technical analyser before moving, in 1996, into the world of semiconductors. Spending most of the time working in Asia and North America for a Dutch semiconductor company, Stewart moved back to his spiritual home of Somerset in 2003 moving out of engineering into marketing for Edwards, a critical supplier of technical equipment into the semiconductor industry, where he is currently the global Head of Marketing & Communications.
A Chartered Marketer since 2010, Stewart became a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing in 2019. Stewart is married, with three daughters and lives with his family in Keynsham, North East Somerset.