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Customer care initiative benefits children’s hospice

02 December 2020 chsw Fundraising

Technical injection moulding specialist Hymid has raised £400 for Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) through a recent customer service initiative.

The Torquay-based company incentivised a recent customer survey by pledging to donate £10 for every completed survey returned. 

Julius Guth, Sales Manager at Hymid, said there was great response to the survey, designed to gauge customers’ opinions of Hymid, especially during the pandemic.

He said: “We’re grateful to our customers who gave up their time to take our survey. These times are uncharted waters and if businesses can understand their customers better, we can all support each other to get safely through this terrible time.

“It has been a tough time for businesses like ours, but the impact of the lockdown on families with sick children must be unbearable. We hope our small donation will encourage other businesses to dig deep and support charities like CHSW, which are sure to see a not only a social but financial impact from the pandemic we’re working through.

We hope to do more to support this great charity in person in coming months.

CHSW community fundraiser Mhairi Bass-Carruthers said: “We really can’t thank the Hymid team enough for raising money for CHSW and for finding such a creative way to support the charity.

“It’s been such a difficult year for everyone this year so to receive donations like this from the business community is very special. It’s only thanks to such generosity that CHSW has been able to continue caring for local families who need our love and support now more than ever.”

The Hymid survey itself provided valuable results to help the compnay in the future, indicating a ‘net promoter score’ of +76% – which puts Hymid on a par with businesses like Toyota (76%) and Starbucks (+77%) and much higher than the manufacturing average of +39%.