After five admissions to hospital in the space of a month, we knew that the fight was now hers and hers alone. We thought our precious little girl was going to die. As she lay in her bed, cold and unresponsive, all I could do was climb in beside her, hold her fragile little body to mine and pray for a miracle.
All the time I knew that if I could just get her through the doors of Charlton Farm, whichever way she decided to go, we would all get the best love and care.
Thankfully our prayers were answered - we got our miracle and Sophie fought off the virus. Throughout that time the hospice staff took our broken spirits and helped nurture us all back to a cohesive little family, determined to give Sophie all the care we could to keep building on the improvements she made while she was there.
In the seven years we have been going to the hospice, the care of our precious little porcelain doll has always been exemplary. This time they surpassed themselves.