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Marathon challenge for head of city wellbeing charity

03 April 2018 chsw Fundraising

The head of Exeter’s leading health and wellbeing charity will be taking on his own fitness challenge this year.

Jamie Vittles, of CITY Community Trust (CCT), is training for the London Marathon, which takes place in April.  And he is running the marathon to raise funds for one of CCT’s charity partners, Children’s Hospice South West

Jamie said:

Children’s Hospice South West provides care for children with life-threatening conditions by providing hospice and professional family support services. Every time we work with this charity I am humbled by the amazing work they are doing, which is why I have chosen to run the London Marathon for them.

Children’s Hospice South West is dedicated to making the most of short and precious lives through the provision of the best possible hospice care for children and young people. The care they give is not just about medical and nursing support for sick children, but enriching the lives of the children and their whole family.

Jamie is one of only 12 runners who have been given a gold bond place by the charity and has to raise a total of £1,750.  He added: ‘I’m so grateful to the people who have taken the time to sponsor me and help raise much-needed funds for this brilliant organisation.’

And as part of his training he’s taking on CITY Community Trust’s half marathon, one of two races organised by the charity which takes place along the River Exe over the weekend of February 10 and 11.  CITY Community Trust is Exeter City Football Club’s partner charity and was formerly known as Football in the Community. It provides a range of activities to people of all ages, focussed on health, education, wellbeing and physical activity.

To sponsor Jamie visit his fundraising page at:

And you can keep up with his training progress via his Twitter feed, @vitts


Source:  Sue McQueenie at McQueenie Mulholland on 01392 423060 email