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Brandon’s fundraiser in memory of his brother

13 December 2018 chsw Fundraising

Brandon Foster, originally from Emerson’s Green in Bristol, is a serving soldier in the British Army. On April 9 1997, Brandon’s brother Thomas died at Little Bridge House in Devon - the only children’s hospice available to families in the South West at the time.

Brandon said, “Thomas had Tay-Sachs disease, which is a rare inherited condition that mainly affects babies and young children. It stops the nerves working properly and is usually fatal with still no known cure. My family and Thomas spent majority of his life in and out of hospital and received a huge amount of support from Little Bridge House, where Thomas life was made as easy as possible.”

CHSW has since built two additional hospices to care for families whose children have been diagnosed with life-limiting conditions in the South West; Charlton Farm near Bristol and Little Harbour in Cornwall.

On 12 August, Brandon will be 'tabbing for Thomas' - taking part in a loaded march (tab) from Charlton Farm to Little Bridge House carrying a 40lb Bergen (military rucksack) - and aims to raise as much money as possible for CHSW in doing so. He said, “Nothing can compare to the support we received from Children's Hospice South West and Little Bridge House therefore I would like to give something back.”

The walk is 88 miles long and Brandon hopes to complete it within 3 days. He has meticulously planned the route and will have a small support team alongside him.


Frances Kenneally, Community Fundraiser at CHSW said “I am delighted to be supporting Brandon with his fundraising for this challenge.  It was great to meet him along with his family and support team at Charlton Farm and to hear how successful his fundraising has been so early on. I wish Brandon every success with this challenge”

Nothing can compare to the support we received from Children's Hospice South West and Little Bridge House therefore I would like to give something back.


You can support Brandon by donating to his fundraising page here.