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Are you up for the Star Trek Challenge?

31 January 2018 chsw Fundraising

One of the biggest fundraising events of the year returns on the weekend of March 3 and 4, 2018 and the Ilfracombe Rotary Clubs are hoping it will be one of the best yet!

This infamous annual night trek across Exmoor helps to support Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) and North Devon Hospice and other local charities, and Paul Williams, from Ilfracombe Rotary said: ‘Our first Star Trek was back in 1992 and since then nearly 9000 people have taken part. The trek has always benefitted local charities and to date nearly a million in sponsorship has been raised. We would love the event to continue to be as successful for many more years to come and we welcome new supporters to come and give it a try.’

Although immense fun, this is an extreme challenge which requires an ability to navigate only by compass and  torchlight across the rough and muddy terrain of Exmoor, and map reading skills are a must.

Emma Perry, fundraising manager at CHSW has been a regular participant with the team ‘Map, what Map?’ and said:

This is one of my favourite events in the region. The route is kept top secret until the night and, depending on your team’s skill at negotiating the checkpoints, you could be out for hours. But don’t worry your exposure to the cold and rain will be rewarded by a real team spirit and great camaraderie – plus there are bacon sandwiches galore!

Trekkers can choose from the Full Trek at 16 miles, or Half Trek at 8 miles, and you’ll need a team of 4-6 people to enter. The event is fully supported by a team of volunteers, St Johns Ambulance and Search and Rescue teams, to ensure safety, and it’s a real test of initiative and stamina.

Sponsorship raised from the event supports local charities and Ali Hunt, fundraiser at North Devon Hospice said: “Star Trek is a unique event and the atmosphere is unlike anything you’ve ever experience. All the competitors are willing each other on and the encouragement you get at each check point is heart-warming. It’s something everyone should experience and I speak from experience when I say that the sense of accomplishment at the finish line is unrivalled. Huge credit should go to Ilfracombe’s Rotary Clubs for making Star Trek such a popular event over the years and raising incredible sums for causes like North Devon Hospice.”

The StarTrek Night Walk is a brilliant and challenging event, and although there are many participants who return year after the year, the Rotary Club is hoping that 2018 will see new supporters taking on the challenge. If you think you have what it takes, see for details.