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Running Routines

02 October 2019 Annie Johansen – The Garden Room Windmill Hill

As many of you may be experiencing an after summer bout of subdued bodies and minds, it's time to get yourself back into a body care routine.

With holidays, school children and a general lack of doing anything other than late evening drinking and BBQ's, August wipes out a lot of our 'better' habits and we often enter Autumn with a low level buzz of energy. This mixed with the darker evenings and colder days can cause a lot of us to enter hibernation states.

However if we look at investing the little energy we have left, in being dynamic with our bodies, we'll see a return in energy levels that those on the stock exchange would be jealous of.

  • Keep up with the running, utilise your lunch breaks for a 20 minute does of sunshine – your vitamin D levels will be replenished and you'll be far more active in the afternoon.
  • Set your alarm to 30 minutes earlier and do some gentle wake up yoga to help realign your body after a night's sleep. You'll notice you'll have much more time for breakfast and morning routines if you give your body a chance to wake up before your mind does.
  • Walk as much as you can to and from work, it will give you the space to switch off after a hectic day and walk out that pent up stress energy.
  • Finally book in for some self care, a massage or a session of reiki, get your hair done or simply book in for lunch with an old friend – something that helps you to feel pampered and energised.

Summer maybe over, but with some gentle nourishment you can help to shake off those winter blues.