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Green Light urges firms to take on £50 Challenge

12 February 2020 chsw Fundraising

Children’s Hospice South West is calling on businesses to go head-to-head and take on its £50 Challenge this spring.

The charity is giving workplace teams an initial £50 and tasking them to see how much money they can raise in just 50 working days, from March 2 to May 13.

Around 60 teams took part in last autumn’s £50 Challenge, raising more than £20,000 for the charity, which supports more than 500 children with life-limiting conditions and their families across the South West.

Among those that took part was Green Light PBS in Newquay who organised a variety of fundraising initiatives and raised £298.17 in their 50 days.

Kerry Noonan from Green Light is recommending other local businesses to take on the challenge;

The £50 Challenge really brought our company together. We organised a Halloween event with all of the people we support which we collaborated on with Mor Workspace in Newquay. Our 50 days of fitness got us ready to face the Christmas food challenge and we had some great social media exposure from CHSW along the way too. We would definitely recommend any company to take on the £50 Challenge and see how much they can raise for this special cause.

CHSW Corporate Partnerships Fundraiser Bernadette Chambers is challenging other firms to get ‘nifty with their fifty’ to help provide lifeline respite at the charity’s Little Harbour children’s hospice in St Austell.

“Whether you are a team of two or 200 your company can take part,” said Bernadette.

“It’s a really simple idea – we’ll give you £50 and 50 days to turn this money into as much as possible.

“Firms that have taken part already have held cake sales, raffles, quizzes and workplace fun and games but however you decide to do it is entirely up to you.

“It’s a great way to increase awareness of your business by linking with a local charity. It’s perfect for networking and team building and also great fun and a rewarding way of helping your local children’s hospice.

“The funds you raise will help us to provide respite, palliative and end-of-life care, as well as essential support for the whole family, for as long as they need us,” added Bernadette.

To take up the £50 challenge or find our more, call Bernadette on 01726 871800, email or click here