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Siblings who visit Children's Hospice South West
Logan has a range of complex needs.
Following his diagnosis, Logan started visiting Charlton Farm for short breaks with his family.

Jude and Tabitha’s brother Logan has complex medical needs, and the family are supported by Charlton Farm children’s hospice.

In the lead up to National Siblings Day, mum Liz describes the maturity that Jude and Tabitha show as well as the care they give Logan on a day-to-day basis;

“Over the years, many of our friends and family have seen how loving Jude and Tabby are towards Logan but there is plenty they don't see. They know more about their brother at five and six than most of the adults in our lives probably ever will! They are both registered Young Carers despite never being expected to do any of the incredible things they do, they help because they want to, which is so lovely.

They both know when Logan needs to be suctioned, they both help fetch things without question and know where everything lives! They decided a long time ago that putting feed deliveries away was their job. They fight over who sits next to him in the van to hold his hand if I'm driving and there isn't another adult and if I pull over to suction, Jude has usually got a new catheter out ready for me before I even take my seat belt off! 

They know the timetable, they know the routines. They don't question having to wait while his immediate needs are met, even if they were in the middle of their story or game. 
They've had to learn to be responsible early because they know I only have one pair of hands and know that Logan's safety and care needs come first.

They help me measure and give meds and are starting to learn which does what. They help me bath him and do his trache cares. They know our full home address and how to call for an ambulance. They understand more about accessibility than a lot of people and don't question why we can't go to certain places if they can see it’s not wheelchair friendly.

They don't question why they can't do things or go to places their friends can because Logan can't, they want him with them.

They may look confident on the outside but underneath they are quite sensitive souls. School friends have no real understanding of their lives but provide a much-needed escapism. 

They've seen more in their little lives than most kids will ever have to, and they are so accepting and normal about it all – it’s really how everyone should behave around those with differences and different needs.

They are amazing little people and I'm incredibly proud of them.”