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Recycle and donate

Helping to reduce our carbon footprint

Now there are even more ways that you can help Children’s Hospice South West, starting in your own home and office! 

Postage cards and stamps (old and new)

Recycling your postage stamps for CHSW. Hundreds of letters are received by businesses and individuals each week. Why not collect all of the used stamps and send them to us at one of our hospices?

We forward them on to our stamp dealer who pays us for the discarded stamps by weight and even more for special stamps and albums.

Little Gems (jewellery and watches)

Send us your unwanted fine or costume jewellery. It doesn’t matter if it is broken or missing a pair, we’ve already raised well over £139,503.98 for the Little Gem Appeal so please keep sending us your jewellery. Our experienced jeweller values every item, which is then sent to auction, sold for its weight or sold by donation at our Friends Group fetes, coffee mornings and other events. Send your ‘Little Gems’ to one of our hospices.


Recycle your inkjet cartridges to raise money for CHSW and protect the environment. Visit the Recycle4Charity website, select Children's Hospice South West and register. You can order freepost bags to return your items in, or even arrange for a box of wanted items to be collected, free of charge! You can even monitor your account to see how much you’ve raised and each quarter an automatic payment will be made to CHSW. can also recycle any of your unwanted goods at our shops.  We are always looking for good quality items to stock our shelves.